Upstairs, Second Door on the Right

Tread softly up the stairs and down the hall
to the door marked with yellow caution tape.
A warning?
A decoration?
No light escapes under the door so you think,
If it is empty, it must be safe.
So bravely you enter.
Sundown cuts through the blinds like a blade.
Scattered about like so much confetti you see
games, books, clothes, shoes,
discarded jackets falling off chairs,
a backpack hanging on a doorknob.
Lego knights and Jedi knights locked in
eternal combat in a forgotten corner.
You think the room abandoned,
the caution tape an unnecessary affectation.
But you are wrong.
No longer a boy – not quite a man –
he sits on the floor in the shadows.
Head nodding to music
you cannot hear.
Hands beating a tattoo in the air.
Aware of your presence,
he looks up and smiles.
And, for a moment,
light is everywhere.
For James,
Love never forgets its promise.
- PJ